Monday, January 13, 2014

Why I Became a Prepper

My whole adult life, I was able to go to the store to get what I needed.  I never had much in the way of a stockpile.  Honestly, I never thought about it.  One of my good friends was a crazy couponer.  I tried it a few times, but never used more than a few coupons.  In my busy life, I did not have time to deal with it.

However, everything changed when I was laid off.  I had as little as $40 to buy my week’s groceries. I often had to wait to buy basic household items like paper towels and personal items like deodorant.  I was stressed and depressed!  

Once, after waiting a couple weeks, I had money to get some items I needed.  I walked out of Wal-mart, having spent $100 on just a couple bags of basic household and personal items.  It was all the “extra” money I had! 

I knew I had to do something!  As Scarlet O’Hara famously states, “As God is my witness, they’re not going to lick me.  I’m going to live through this and when it’s all over, I’ll never be hungry again.  No, nor any of my folk.  If I have to [prep, farm, coupon, and can.]  As God is my witness, I’ll never be hungry again.”   [italics is my take on her “lie, steal, cheat, or kill”] 

I was never “hungry” physically.  We got by—barely.  However, the situation taught me how close I am to hunger and to need.  That experience is the driving force in everything I do now. 

One of my other crazy friends (and I do mean crazy) taught me some basics of couponing and walked me though the process.  We often met to coupon—even late at night.  I soon became addicted!  (Now, I am actually more extreme than both my crazy coupon friends.)

Just a few years later, I have enough food to last through most emergency situations.  I am well-stocked on household and personal items; many were free or nearly free.  All of it is a result of couponing. 

Fortunately, I am no longer in a situation where I am strapped for cash to purchase basic items.  Now I get to save and to wait for things I want related to prepping.  While I feel more confident in our financial situation, there are so many other risks like an EMP, power grid issues, hyperinflation, or a natural disaster. 

As a result, I am on an adventure to learn self-sustaining skills like gardening, canning, and dehydrating.  

My long-term goal is to build my own backyard homestead with chickens, bees, and (maybe even) goats. (Still working on getting my husband on board with the animals.)

Another goal is to learn and to practice meal planning and food rotation.  

Finally, I need to learn to cook more skillfully and healthily too. 

I began this blog to share some of what I am learning and doing, in hopes that my journey may help others.  

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